Attestor can be defined as a person who attests to the genuineness of a document or signature by adding their own signature. In today’s world there has been some major trends that have been immensely influential in the computing environment. The first that I would like to talk about is heterogeneity. We use to compute using everything from small cell phones, to handhelds, to desktop workstations, to rack-mounted servers and all the aforementioned need to inter-operate. This in one way or the other has led to widespread acceptance of open protocols for communication and portable language runtimes (such as Java and net virtual machines for programs performance. The second major trend is mobility. Not only must all these varied computing devices inter-operate seamlessly, we must also be able to use most of our familiar programs and data across all of them. Both of these have significantly increased the importance of having a so-called ``common platform''. This common platform i...