Environmental Management is dedicated to safely disposing of waste and seeks cost effective and environmentally responsible project execution methods. Environmental Management’s waste management mission involves planning and optimizing tank waste processing and nuclear materials, including spent nuclear fuel. Environmental Management offices that focus on waste management develop policy and guidance and provide technical advice on the tank waste system and nuclear materials. They also provide leadership to planning and executing Environmental management programs for the storage, retrieval, pretreatment, treatment, and final preparation of these materials for disposal and tank closure planning. 4NEW Limited support the Environmental Management sites in the execution of this work scope and provide complex-wide integration of the operations and activities associated with these materials.
My desire to live in a world that provides hope for the teeming population and creates a good avenue to tackle the increasing environmental and energy concerns led me to discover a 21st century wonder at https://4new.co.uk/, a decentralized waste-to-energy platform.
Nuclear Materials Disposition
In fulfilling its mission, 4NEW Limited frequently manages and completes disposition of surplus nuclear materials and spent nuclear fuel. These are not waste. They are nuclear materials no longer needed for national security or other purposes, including spent nuclear fuel, special nuclear materials (as defined by the Atomic Energy Act) and other Nuclear Materials.
Tank Waste & Waste Processing
The Department has approximately 88 million gallons of liquid waste stored in underground tanks and approximately 4,000 cubic meters of solid waste derived from the liquids stored in bins. The current DOE estimated cost for retrieval, treatment and disposal of this waste exceeds $50 billion to be spent over several decades. The highly radioactive portion of this waste, located at the Hanford Site, Idaho National Laboratory, and Savannah River sites, must be treated and immobilized, and prepared for shipment to a waste repository.
Waste and Materials Disposition Information
4NEW Limited was created to address the challenge of incessant waste management in a bid to convert it to usable energy for human consumption. 4NEW Limited is the world’s first blockchain integrated Waste to Energy public utility treatment plant. 4NEW will modernize Waste and Energy industries by offering services as a wholesaler within the Utilities sector that is fully integrated onto an open source, decentralized public exchange enabling consumers and industry peers alike to trade their 4NEW Coins towards payments within the 4NEW ecosystem.
As the Office of Environmental Management (EM) fulfills its mission, waste and materials disposition plays a vital role in the cleanup of radioactive waste and the environmental legacy of nuclear weapons production and nuclear energy research.
The platform is solving two major problem of waste management and energy supply through a decentralized ecosystem built on the trust and shoulders of the general public that the project is pointing to. The platform is a give-back-to the society concept! To explain the 4NEW model more precisely, the illustration below gives an insight.


The platform is built on four pillars. 4NEW Coin Limited- Provide “Coin as a Service” to industry peers, consumers and early adopters.
To get more about the 4NEW coin offering, navigate to the token offer contained in the ‘White Paper’ at https://4new.co.uk/4new_whitepaper.pdf. I just got mine right away! Let’s help society get better in waste –to-energy conversion and provision!!

 4new Whitepaper: https://4new.co.uk/4new_whitepaper.pdf

4new Lightpaper: https://4new.co.uk/4new_lightpaper.pdf

Official Blog: https://medium.com/@4newcoin


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