In a solid waste management, there is nothing like throwing away waste. When dumping or throwing away/discarding waste, the systems complexities and the integrated nature of materials and pollution are quickly apparent. For instance, if we take waste incineration, it is expensive and imposes challenges of air pollution and ash disposal. Incineration in one way or the other requires waste placed outside for collection to be containerized to stay dry and much of the waste stream is not combustible.
Moreover, waste collection vehicles are large sources of emissions. Uncollected waste can provide breeding areas and food to potentially disease carrying vectors such as insects and rodents. Waste management cannot be effectively managed without due consideration for issues such as the city’s emissions, labor market, land use planning and myriad related concerns.
Despite progress in solid waste management practices in the decade since years back, there are certain pertaining issues about environment that use to exist.
In the last ten to twenty years an additional challenge has emerged for the waste manager: the growing global vagaries of secondary materials markets. Many municipal recycling programs in Europe and North America were started with the recycling markets relatively close to source. More recently, marketing of secondary-materials has emerged as a global business. The price paid per tonne of waste paper in New York City is often based on what the purchase price is in China.

The majority of waste recycled in Buenos Aires, for example, is shipped to China. The volatility of secondary materials prices has increased, making planning more difficult. The price is often predictive of economic trends, dropping significantly during economic downturns (when a city is least able to afford price drops). There are some hedging opportunities for materials pricing, however secondary materials marketing does not have the same degree of sophistication as other commodities (largely due to issues of reliability, quality, externalities, and the sheer number of interested parties).

Pesticides and Agricultural Practices
Harmful chemicals used in agriculture collect in the soil and eventually create contaminated land as well as water runoff that find its way into streams and rivers to other land and eventually the oceans.
• Fertilizers contaminate soil with heavy metals and kill beneficial microflora which in turn affects the soil's fertility and structure, according to FAO. When they are carried away by rainwater runoff, they cause eutrophication in water bodies. One third of the world soil is degraded due to farm chemicals. Fertilizer application has increased four fold since 1960s according to Our World in Data.
• Pesticides can also kill microflora and fungi necessary for minerals' cycling in soil and affect fertility. They also leach into soil and pollute groundwater. Pesticide production that started in the late 1940s now totals 3 million tons per year according to Our World in Data.
In view of the above mentioned problems or challenges, Organicco has taken upon itself to address each issue keenly, that is the converting of unwanted organic materials into organic fertilizer.
Organicco also laid down checks to resolve the issue of payment in export market. This has been a challenge in terms of delivering of goods for some years now.
Telegram groups and channels:
Organicco channel: https://t.me/organiccoltd
Vietnamese group: https://t.me/VietnamICOsupport


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